The Best Advice for First-Time Authors

Writing a book can be overwhelming, especially if you’re taking on this big feat for the first time. You have to think about the chapter title. The cleverness of words. The word count. The book design. The book editing. The publishing process. The marketing. The sales. Whew!

It’s a lot.

And if you hadn't thought about all of this, I'm sorry to have added extra stress to your book journey. But who am I kidding? If you’re a leader, you more than likely thought about all of the ins and outs of authorship, which in turn is the reason why it's taking you so long to write your book. After all, you want to write books that people will buy AND read. You also want to complete the writing process by publishing your work.

My theory is publishing, or sharing your book, is connected to writer confidence because you have to know that you’re making an impact with your words before anyone else reads them. .

And you know what typically gives you writer confidence? Systems. Proven systems. For example, if I knew the exact exercise routine that allows former First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama, to have toned arms, I would gladly follow it and tailor it to my liking, but I wouldn’t dismiss the steps needed to gain the results I want. In other words, I’d make Lady Michelle’s exercise routine work for me while trusting her process.

The same can go for a book. Your book. A proven system can help you structure your thoughts, ideas, and experience into a digestible manuscript for targeted readers to consume. And that is the best advice I can give first-time authors:

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Follow a proven system from a credible source (hopefully from someone who has successfully written and published a book in a similar genre to yours).

This will help demystify the book-writing process, and isn’t that what we’re seeking as authors?!

Okay, I won’t prolong this post. I’ll keep it short and sweet with a taste for more…

Shhh! The new and improved Book-fluence, my digital workbook that not only teaches you how to write a book but how to write it in a way that positions you as a leader in your industry will drop next month!

This workbook is the proven system needed for first-time authors.

This workbook is the solution.

Stay tuned for the release date!


Nailah Harvey

Nailah Harvey is a 10x-published author who helps industry leaders organize their expertise into a book in order to expand their brand.

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