One Reason Why You Should Teach in South Korea || #SoKoDiaries

Hello, good people!

For those of you who do not know, I moved across the globe to South Korea aka SoKo a.k.a. the ROK (Republic of Korea).

Yes, you heard right: SOUTH KOREA. I will be teaching English to SoKo middle school students. I work for a major overseas agency called EPIK, English Program In Korea, and they're pretty awesomely legit. When I first arrived, my fellow expats and I attended an 8-day orientation at Jeonju university in Jeonju. It was long and intense, yet helpful. We stayed in the college dorms--which felt like freshman year of undergrad all over again.

As I adjust to my new apartment, my new Korean city (Jeomchon), the Korean culture, and being a million miles away from all things familiar, I reflect on this great opportunity. I am blessed to impart wisdom into students who, for the most part, value their education. If anything, I would recommend teaching in South Korea to experience the Korean educational system. I was a (substitute) teacher in America and there's just a different vibe that I get from my Korean students. These kids hang on to every word I say and value me as an educator....and that feels good.

To all my teachers out there, I hope you get a chance to experience life as a teacher in South Korea. If you already have, I'd love to hear about it in the comments section below.

Until the next blog post,


Check out my video about South Korea and learn more reasons why I like SoKo. :)

Nailah Harvey

Nailah Harvey is a 10x-published author who helps industry leaders organize their expertise into a book in order to expand their brand.

My First Blog Award...the Liebster Award!


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